Company profile

HOMEEnglishCompany profile

KIRIYAMA Yataro who is an invention division director now at the company started Kiriyama Glass Works Co.

In 1942 KIRIYAMA started to work at a military laboratory in Noborito (Meidi University now). At the laboratory he experienced lots of mission especially chemical experiments, for the experiments, many kinds of laboratory glass wears were used. KIRIYAMA began to learn technique of making laboratory glass wears from Master FUJIWARA Shiro in FUJI syokai (Fujiwara Scientific Company Co.)

After WWⅡ he began to work at Medicinal department in Tokyo University as a laboratory glass wear maker. He produced and fixed glass wears at the laboratory. At the same time he realized how the glass wears worked in real time. In 1945, at the pharmacy, there is a problem with mixing glucose and distilled water by dispenser. KIRIYAMA improved the dispenser usefully.

From that experience, he started producing laboratory wear business. Now Kiriyama Glass Works Co. is based on his many experiences.



Trade Name Kiriyama Glass Works Co.
Established 1948
Head Office 2-31-11, Higashi nippori, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo 116-0014, Japan
Business Producing laboratory glass wears and other laboratory equipment
Making museums displays
Lending laboratory equipment to TV productions, Eventers
Making shop displays
Membership The Tokyo Scientific Glassblowers Society
Tokyo Scientific Instruments Association
The Chemical Society of Japan
Japan Pharmaceutical Equipment & Machinery Association
The Society of Chromatographic Sciences
The Society of Separation Process Engineers, Japan
Japan Management Association
Japan Reproduction Center
The Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Corporation Association of Arakawa word
National Certified Skilled Worker of Glass products manufacturing, Physical and chemical glass equipment producing work. 1st grade; 1 person

2nd grade; 2 people


2013 Released KIRIYAMA gas particle size variable bubbler
2011 Released KIRIYAMA Pac (Ready to use distillation column)
2000 Released Mono heat (Safety mantle heater)
1984 Expand Large glass plant and Lab-plant series
Original ball joints are easy to build up and earth quack proofed
1970 Released Unison column (ILC clumn)
1964 Released Kiriyama Rohto

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